Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Week 11: Maxwell Book

The 360 Leader by John Maxwell challenges the myth that only a select few at the top of an organization can lead and encourages leaders to empower those below them to lead in all directions.  

In essence, Maxwell is trying to empower people to lead everyone they come in contact with.  He states that a 360 leader knows how to effectively and respectfully lead those that have authority over them by making them look good and encouraging and following them.  360 leaders know how to build relationships with co-workers so that they can work effectively together rather than in competition with one another.  And 360 leaders know how to utilize, encourage, and empower those whom they have authority over.  A 360 leader knows how to build relationships with everyone they work with and use those relationships to reach goals more effectively.  Its about learning how to submit and serve one another rather than serving your own self interests as a leader.

I happen to agree with Maxwell's point, that a 360 degree leader can have a massive affect on an organization, because competition and selfish motives are not present.  I feel that making this a reality is much harder than it seems.  To rid ourselves of selfish motivation is difficult enough at times.  How often do we look at those above us who do poorly in leadership roles and try and work harder to make them look good?  Not very often.  But I do believe that having a 360 degree leader attitude is one that reflects the heart of Christ and will help our churches serve in a way that is more effective for doing the ministry of Christ.  

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