Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Parliamentary Law

I think the best thing any group can do is take it to God. As Derek said for his number 1, I say to spend more time in prayer.
I feel that it is paramount for the church to have a fair vote and for each voice to be heard. Although I feel it is just as important for the pastor to be fully behind each decision made. I think that the pastor, the chair, should have the say-all in this situation.
The elders of the church, the people who know the needs of the church the most, should be the one's discussing the full extent of each motion and problem with the issue.
It is paramount to understand what is best for the church as a whole. Even though it is important for the Pastor to be behind the decision needs to benefit the church 100%.

Three Problems I see with this method:
No matter the issue there is going to be someone somewhere who may disagree with the outcome. We need to inforce the fact that the decision was made for the better of the church.
Anyway you go someone is not going to agree. Therefore each decision needs to be prayer-filled and lead by the Spirit.
The outcome of the vote should be presented to the entire church. It drives me insane when people find things out about the direction of the church through hear-say. It needs to be given to the body from the front of the church.

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