Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Week Three Essay Parliamentary Law

Week Three Essay

Parliamentary Law

List of how I would adapt parliamentary law:

1. Spend more time in prayer and meditation as a group

2. Make everything that it is voted on have to have a unanimous vote to pass

3. Have a smaller group of people make the decisions

    - Only people that are holy

4. Only allow the elders to speak

5. Let the Chair person make the decision without anyone else voting

6. Only the elders could make a motion

7. Try to pass things that would make everyone happy

8. Look at what is best for the Church, not yourself

9. All members must have an open mind and not have decided something before the meeting

10. Make compromises sp that everyone "wins"


Three Problems I see with this method:

    One of the problems I see for the method listed above is that it would not give everyone a fair opportunity. Only elders could speak or make proposals and that leads to a hierarchy within the Church where people are not equal.

    Another problem that I see is there is no way to make this so that there is no winning and no losing. No matter what people are going to have their own preferences and ideas, even if they spend days in prayer and meditation then they still could not agree.

    A third problem I see with this is that no attempt to make people happy will make people 100% of the time. There is always going to be someone who is upset and there is nothing you can do about it. I don't there is a way to make it that there are no winners or no losers.

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