Thursday, January 29, 2009

Week 3 Parliamentary Law

Here are my thoughts on how to develop a new system of decision making within the local church.  It may be somewhat rough and there are some flaws but I think it could work. 

1.  Every year have the local church board go through a meeting on the vision and mission of the church.  Then give them the option of placing their name in a bid to be selected to be on the administrative team.  

2.  Draw four names from the board members who have allowed their names to be entered.  These four team members will then meet with the elected chairperson to make the decisions that are presented to them by the board. 

3.  The board will hold an open forum to discuss the range of topics that my be at hand.  This allows for everyone to have their voice heard.  All matters that need addressed can be presented at this forum.

4.  The board will then hold its own discussion on all of the items that were brought to its attention during the forum.  They will discuss matters that will be voted on.  

5.  The smaller group of four members will then take the items that they have been presented with and will vote on them.  The smaller number of voters should ensure that some decisions will be made.  

Three Flaws 

1.  I'm not sure if I like drawing names out of a hat for this selection process.  I would much rather pick the people I think are able to do the job but thats too biased.  

2.  I think the open forum to discuss items would then be a bloodbath.  Everyone who does not have the ability to vote on the matter would come out in force to rally for their item to be passed.  Not a good idea. 

3.  It may still be hard for items to be passed.  With a random system of voters people who have differing views may still get on the administrative voting team together. 

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