Thursday, March 26, 2009

Week 11 Essay Maxwell Book

Week 11 Essay

Maxwell Book

    The John Maxwell book that I looked into is called The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership. The principle that I learned from this book is what Maxwell refers to as "The Law of Process." The law of process says that a leader does not become a leader in one day but to become a good leader it is a process. In this chapter there is the story of Anne Scheiber and how through a life time of saving she was able to go from making a little over $3,000 a year to leaving an estate worth over 22 million when she died. Maxwell uses this an example of how you cannot just do something overnight, but it is a process and this process is often accompanied by many sacrifices, had times and though decisions.

    I thought that this is an excellent principle of leadership especially in the world today. This is helpful with my generation as we are the "fast food" generations and want things done yesterday. We are not patient and often times don't want to put hard work into something. We want things and we want it now. From reading Maxwell I better realize how I have to be patient and invest time and energy into becoming a leader. Even if I am a good leader now I will not get better without hard work. There is a t-shirt that I once saw that said "Don't wish it was easier, wish you were better." I think this describes how I now feel about leadership, I don't wish it was easier, but I wish I was better and am willing to work hard and invest time into this process to become better.

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