Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Week 9: Leadership Characteristics

This is the list of attractive leadership characteristics a good church leader would have (in my own opinion and no particular order of course). 

1.  Servant-hood/Humility - A good leader in my mind serves those around him and is humble about the position he has been entrusted with.  In all facets of his life, he makes service and humility a key part of who he is.  
2. Visionary - This leader has vision and does a good job sharing this vision.  He not only is able to cast vision but also is able to make that vision a reality. He effectively communicates this vision to get others on board.  
3. Vulnerable - When a leader is able to be vulnerable with others I believe it shows sincerity and discernment.  The leader knows what it is to share his heart with others but also knows when to share and how much to share.  
4. Intelligent - A good leader is intelligent and desires to continue growing.  They know that when they stop learning they stop leading.  Good leaders are able to teach others what they have learned.  
5. Mentoring/Equipping - Sharing the knowledge, experience, and wisdom they have is an important part of a good leaders requirements.  They need to understand what it is to mentor and equip others to minister.  They take others "under their wing" to prepare them for ministry or life in general.  
6. Disciplined - A good leader is disciplined and knows when to say no.  They understand what it means to prioritize and take responsibility.  
7. Relational - Good leaders are able to form intentional and long lasting relationships that are beneficial.  

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