Thursday, February 5, 2009

I interviewed my local church pastor yesterday and he gave me some really good insight as to what he expects from the staff.  It is a lot easier now to understand what exactly might be expected in a staff report.  My pastor helps his staff develop technically a "to do" list for the week.  They work on getting the tasks on the list accomplished as well as fulfill their other responsibilities in the church.  Here is a list of what I think a staff should include in their report to a senior pastor.  
1.  The health of the pastor this week - Are you feeling stressed, tired, burnt out, or encouraged enthused, uplifted?  Use this time to tell the senior pastor how you are doing spiritually, emotionally, mentally, and physically.  

2.  Actions in Ministry - What was done in ministry this week?  Who did you visit?  What did you accomplish? 

3. How did those actions go?  Report to the pastor on how those actions in ministry went.  Tell him about conversations, victories, and new contacts.  

4.  Problems in Ministry - Was there anything that the senior pastor would need to know about that may need to be addressed?

5.  Vision - What ministry vision is being cast for the next week?

6.  Ministry log - I believe for added accountability it is important for staff members to provide a log of their hours in ministry to their pastor.  This is added accountability to make sure that they are actively participating in their ministry. 

7.  Questions - I think this is a great time to ask questions and have a senior pastor share their knowledge and wisdom with a staff.  Ask questions about ministry or life.  How did the senior pastor approach certain circumstances?  What does he do to maintain boundaries?  

I think a lead pastor should always be in the loop as to what is going on inside the ministry of the church.  This brings added accountability but also the opportunity for someone more experienced in ministry to share some success stories as well as some examples of what not to do in ministry.  

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