Monday, February 16, 2009

Week Six Church conflict

Week Six

Church Conflict

    I interview Pastor John Klotz on February 2, 2009 at 10:00 A.M. in the morning. Pastor John told me a story about when he first took over as Pastor at a Church. The old pastor was also the one who had lead worship. All he did for worship was use an organ, piano and sang hymns and some worship choruses. Pastor John said that he doesn't sing well and doesn't play any musical interments so he knew that he was not going to lead worship. His family is very musical focused as his wife sings and plays the piano, his one daughter plays the drums, his pother daughter plays the bass and his other daughter also sings. There were also some people in the Church that had musical talent and wanted to play in a worship band with more contemporary music.

    So Pastor John let his wife get together a worship band complete with drums, bass, acoustic guitar, and 4-5 people singing. Some of the people in the congregation did not like the change in worship style and started to talk about the new pastor behind his back and amongst themselves.

    Pastor John said that after a few weeks the people started to approach him and demanded that the worship style change back to the way the old pastor used to do worship. Pastor John said that he tried to talk to them about the new worship style and the way things were going but they didn't want to have any discussion, they wanted to change the worship style no questions asked. Pastor John said that many people in the Church liked the new style and that he couldn't change it because he felt God was leading them in this new direction.

    Pastor John said that there was more talking and murmuring around the Church until one week about 7 families stopped coming to the Church and never returned. He said that afterwards many new people can to the Church and it grew but they lost some of the people from the Church because of worship style.

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