Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Staff Report to Board

I would repeat Derek's post. I think that it is very important in everything that is being presented that you give a good look at what the minstry looks like and what direction the ministry is heading. I know that the bigger the church, the less often the head pastor or board members make their way to other ministries, especially if you are a youth pastor.
I feel that it is important and very respcetable, for a younger pastor especially, to go out of his way to let the board know that he wants to do ministry alongside the board members. To let them know that you want to be apart of the team that they have put together.
The biggest thing, in which I have already mentioned, is to show them the direction in which the ministry is heading. It is paramount to let the board know what you have disucssed within your ministry and to fill them in on how you plan on keeping your ministry afloat!

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